The San Bernardino Sun reports that county officials said that the dogs seized from the dog rescue were primarily large and aggressive Pit Bulls with severe health issues.
They also report that the dogs lived in “inadequate conditions” at the over-capacity kennel that Woofy Acres was running in Pinon Hills.
Unfortunately, because of the dogs’ aggressive nature and declining health, 93 out of the 114 dogs were put down.
County animal care spokesperson Francis Delapaz reveals to the San Bernardino Sun that 19 dogs have been placed. Meanwhile, two dogs, a female Pit Bull Terrier and a Shepherd mix, are still up for adoption at 19777 Shelter Way in San Bernardino.
Animal advocates and people who work and volunteer in animal shelters reacted strongly upon hearing the news about the ongoing investigation on Woofy Acres and its founder, Dianne Bedford.
Heather McDermott-Perez, a volunteer with Orange County Animal Care said, “(Bedford) needs to never pull dogs again.”
The San Bernardino Sun reveals that the Orange County Animal Care released a total of 149 dogs to Woofy Acres, with the last placement in January of this year.
Additional insight to the dog rescue and the neglect that the dogs experienced were revealed by Lauren Cardona, co-founder of Saving Devore Dogs.
Talking to the San Bernardino Sun, Cardona reveals that one dog seized by San Bernardino County from the dog rescue, named “Checkers” was emaciated.
Cardona described Checkers as “literally like looking at a skeleton with skin over it”. She also noted that the Woofy Acres site in Pinon Hills “was in the middle of the desert. I don’t know how these dogs didn’t die.”
Earlier this year, Bedford and Woofy Acres made headlines after they were accused of abandoning 32 dogs at Shanderin Kennels, a Rowland Heights dog grooming and boarding business.
“We don’t understand how anyone would think this is OK,” Shanderin Kennels Vet Tech Samantha Redline tells KTLA in February. “We heard that she did this to two other facilities.”
KTLA also reveals that Bedford owed the dog grooming and boarding business nearly $40,000 for the amount spent on the dogs she abandoned there.
After Bedford abandoned the dogs, local shelters were forced to take the responsibility and find a solution that did not involve returning them to Woofy Acres.
A Reddit thread further exposes Bedford and how Woofy Acres “specialized in pulling drama dogs – biters, big aggression, big fear, non-adoptable dogs.”
Furthermore, the San Bernardino Sun reveals that Woofy Acres has a “delinquent status” with the state Attorney’s General Office, meaning they cannot solicit nor disburse donation.
]]>The “Happy Tail” was shared by the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) on August 27 on their Facebook page.
“We are grateful to serve such a compassionate and pet-loving community, and this Happy Tail is about how our community helped reunite a dog that had been missing for over two years,” the animal shelter wrote.
The animal shelter and WFIE reveals that Bear got lost two years ago on April 2022 while he was with a pet sitter.
Brandy Ross, Bear’s owner, was devasted when the pooch was lost. She tells WFIE, “Like, that was the hardest part. Was going home after I had left him with the sitter and then coming home to not having my dog.”
She and her family reported him missing and posted in Facebook groups. And they spent weeks searching and posting him. But to no avail, Bear never turned up.
The “saddest part”, as HSPPR put it, is that Ross’ family had to leave Colorado Springs without the pooch and move to New York due to work in the military.
But for HSPPR, things “got exciting” when they started working with a group of volunteer pet lovers dedicated to helping lost dogs reunite with their families.
HSPPR reveals, “In July, Animal Law Enforcement (ALE) was alerted to a possible Bear sighting. Where at? The same location he went missing two years prior. So, an ALE officer reached out to these volunteers for help.”
The animal shelter reveals that the volunteers jumped on board to save Bear “without hesitation”.
“Feeding stations were set up, game trail cameras were placed, and they began monitoring Bear. They even found the original lost pet post from the owners (yes, the one from 2022) and let them know what was happening,” HSPPR explains.
Danielle Neiner, the volunteer who found Bear, further explains to WFIE how they caught Bear, “We then set up a time to put up what’s called a messy trap. So it’s a giant trap where they walk in, they hit a light, basically towards the back that triggers the door to close.”
And finally, on August 18, the volunteers successfully captured Bear. The animal shelter reveals that through a microchip check, they were able to confirm that the stray pooch they caught was indeed Bear.
“His owners were crying tears of happiness,” HSPPR wrote.
Neiner reveals that when they found the pooch, “He was pretty matted, very dirty, all that different stuff. He’s definitely underweight. but health-wise, he’s had no health problems.”
Ross couldn’t believe the news of her pooch being found. She said, “The whole night I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, is this my dog?’ And then she read the numbers and she’s like, ‘It’s him.’ And I was like, ‘No way.’ And I was literally bawling my eyes out … Even now I’m in shock that this is him,”
“And to now be like, ‘He’s OK.’ It’s weird. It was, it was crazy. Like our emotions were everywhere,” Ross added.
Before making the cross-country trip, Bear got a much-needed groom and went to the vet for shots and a health certificate, all taken care by the volunteers who rescued him.
And then on September 01, Bear finally took the trip to reunite with his family, a trip that was paid by generous community members.
And before the long-awaited reunion, Ross reveals, “So we already bought all of his bed and his bowls, and my kids helped me buy him toys.”
Bear’s story is another reminder that hope is never lost. And that microchipping your pets will highly increase your chances of being reunited with them if they ever get lost.
]]>The Treeing Walker Coonhound is a breed of medium-sized, powerful dog that originated in the United States of America.
Learn more about this highly intelligent and good-natured hunting dog breed here.
The Treeing Walker Coonhound is one of the six Coonhound breeds under the hound group.
The breed descended from the English and American Foxhounds. And they were first developed in the United States in the mid-1700s when a stolen hound called “Tennessee Lead” was crossed with a Walker Foxhound.
The breed’s name came from the fact that they were bred to track raccoons and chase them up into trees. However, don’t let the “walker” in the breed’s name fool you!
The Treeing Walker Coonhound are notable for their exceptional hunting skills greatly emphasized by their incomparable scenting power, speed, and stamina.
While they mainly hunt raccoons, they’re also used to track and hunt other games such as deer, bears, bobcats, or cougars.
The breed is also very vocal and they vocalize in different ways to communicate while on the hunt. And they have a distinctive bay that allows its owner to identify them from great distances.
Furthermore, they are often referred to as “The People’s Choice” among coonhound breeds because they are more strategic when hunting. They will abandon an older scent trail for a newer and fresher one, resulting in more catches.
Their smooth, fine coat usually comes in tri or bi-color patterns. Although Walker dogs come in tan and white, it is important that they are never called “red” so they can be distinguished from the Redbone Coonhound.
Both the male and female members of the Treeing Walker Coonhound breed normally stand at a height of 20 to 27 in at the withers, and weigh approximately 50 to 70 lbs.
The breed is mainly a working and hunting dog, though may also make an excellent companion pet.
Treeing Walker Coonhounds, in general, are loving dogs that tend to be eager to please their masters. They can also get along well with children and bond with other canines.
Although to keep these dogs accustomed to people and various environments, early socialization is highly recommended.
They are known for their unwavering determination and amazing work ethic. So, working for Walker dogs is not work, rather a kind of sport as well as diversion. The breed thrives well on ample consistent attention.
So, the lack of mental and physical stimulation can make these active coonhounds high-strung. So, they do well in active and/or working homes.
While they are naturally independent, Treeing Walkers are also highly intelligent, skilled, and confident. So, training them is easy as they can quickly learn from example.
Their versatility as hunting dogs is what makes them such an amazing breed. They work well with a pack but can also hunt by themselves.
Furthermore, because of the breed’s exceptional speed, treeing skills, and ability to quickly locate, some believe that Walker dogs are the most outstanding breed when it comes to coonhound field trials.
Treeing Walker Coonhounds are not demanding when it comes to coat care requirements because they are moderate shedders.
Combing and brushing their glossy coat on an occasional basis would already suffice their grooming needs. And bathing is only required as needed.
Furthermore, checking their ears regularly is recommended to keep them from acquiring ear infections.
Treeing Walker Coonhounds are a relatively hardy breed. In fact, they have an average lifespan of 12 to 13 years.
However, some have been diagnosed with hip dysplasia. And they can sustain injuries when hunting in the field since raccoons are capable of doing damage to a dog.
Members of the Treeing Walker Coonhounds are not suitable as apartment dogs. They are too anxious to simply lie around a condo or suburban home.
The breed is recommended to dwell in areas with a hot climate and sunny weather. Because of these scenthounds’ excessive energy reserves, rigorous physical exercise is necessary to keep them calm and stable-minded.
Taking them out for long brisk walks or jogs everyday is highly advisable to prevent the breed from becoming destructive.
]]>The news was announced by the Golden Retriever’s owner and handler, Tracey Callahan Molnar, on the pooch’s Instagram page.
“Beacon was admitted yesterday to an emergency pet hospital after some symptoms he was having (stiffness, moving into labored breathing, and then fever) were not reacting to treatments (anti-inflammatory meds, cold laser therapy),” Callahan Molnar wrote.
Callahan Molnar also said that x-rays showed that Beacon has fluid in his chest cavity, which was part of the reason for the dog’s labored breathing.
However, the vet’s cause of concern was Beacon’s high fever. And that’s when the pooch was transported to an emergency pet hospital.
The therapy dog’s owner and handler reveals, “some diagnostics have been done but more to go. my understanding is that there are many potential causes therefore, many things to rule out.”
Furthermore, Callahan Molnar revealed, “he has needed to have fluid removed from his chest cavity multiple times and during a procedure yesterday to take tissue samples from some concerning lung tissue”.
“This is an incredibly difficult post to make,” Callahan Molnar said. “I’ve decided to share this now because beacon has 50k + followers and i know that can mean 50k + people sending him wishes for healing and good health.”
Among Callahan Molnar’s “biggest requests” is for people to send the four-year-old therapy dog good wishes, whether it be thoughts, prayers, virtual hugs, or in whatever form it comes.
Callahan Molnar promised Beacon’s followers to keep them posted and said, “We know that beacon provides animal assisted therapy but i hope you know that he loves people so much that the in-person interactions he had with so many of you are also meaningful to him.”
The USA Gymnastics posted about the news on their social media pages and wrote, “We’re wishing Good Boy Beacon a speedy recovery!”
Beacon is the USA Gymnastics’ first ever therapy dog. He provided much needed comfort and emotional support during the recent Olympics trial that ran from June 27 to 30.
Everyone loved him – from the athletes to the judges, Beacon was hard at work last June. You could even say that he stole the show and became a fan-favorite.
In an interview with ESPN, Callahan Molnar talked about Beacon saying, “He will turn on a dime without seeing who it is. He picks up on the stress and will pull to that person immediately.“
You can help Beacon towards his road to recovery by donating here.
]]>From chewing your favorite shoes to digging through the trash, dogs, sometimes, let mischief take over. However, this does not suggest that they do not feel some sort of remorse.
As a matter of fact, after a little bit of mischief, dogs often exhibit behaviors suggesting that they’re sorry and wish to make it up to you.
These behaviors, no matter how small or big, are our dogs’ way of expressing regret and seeking reconciliation with their hoomans.
And understanding these behaviors when they apologize deepens our understanding of our pooches and strengthens our bonds with them.
So, continue reading and learn everything you need to know about the art of dog apology.
Even though dogs are considered “man’s best friend”, their behavior and the way they communicate is world’s apart from ours.
While we mostly rely on words to communicate, dogs rely on body movements, vocalizations, chemical signals (such as body odors and pheromones), and physical contacts to convey their thoughts and intentions.
Dogs have evolved in so many ways because they typically learn through association. They act in particular ways after observing people’s response.
And throughout the years, they have developed sophisticated communication strategies and behaviors to enable them to maintain harmony.
But do they really feel guilt? Well, a 2009 research examined the canine “guilty” expressions. And it discovered that dogs only display “guilty” behavior more frequently when their owners scolded them than when owners remained natural.
Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, the author of the research said, “A better description of the so-called guilty look is that it is a response to owner cues, rather than that it shows an appreciation of a misdeed.”
Furthermore, guilt is a complex concept to grasp for a dog and no study have proven than dogs fully understand the weight of their mischief. And we can say that their actions are a reflection of our response to what they have done.
So, dog apology serves more than just moral remorse. It is more of a response to our reaction to their misdeeds, to make us feel better, and to prevent us from getting angry at them.
And as a dog owner, it is important that we understand canine behavior and body language. It helps us better understand each other and gives both parties room to effectively communicate, despite not “speaking the same language”, and resolve conflicts.
Dogs may not fully comprehend the concept of guilt or apologizing, but they still try their best to make things right with their hoomans. From subtle body language to more grand gestures, dogs have their own ways of expressing regret and seeking for forgiveness.
So, without further ado, here are 10 signs your dog is trying to say sorry to you:
A dog trying to apologize to you will lower their head and make airplane ears. When they do this, we might assume that they feel bad and are afraid to be punished.
However, these behaviors are a sign of acknowledgment of the misdeed and submission to their owner. By showing submission and appeasement, they communicate the desire to alleviate tension and avoid confrontations.
Dog apology may also come in the form of avoidance behavior. When they sense our displeasure in them, they may avoid eye contact, hide somewhere they deem safe (like their crate), or retreat to a corner.
While this behavior may seem like a dog is showing guilt, it’s more about them understanding the negative response they got, and removing themself from the intense situation to try and de-escalate it.
You can say that it’s their way of saying, “I know I did wrong. And I’m going to give both of us time and space to calm down.”
Dogs use their tail to express a lot of their feelings. And when a dog tucks its tail in between its legs, it means they feel scared or anxious. But it can also be a sign of submission in the presence of another dog or human.
So, if you scold your dog and it tucks its tail, it’s another way of them saying “I know I did something wrong.”
Similar to tucking their tail, dogs also make “puppy dog eyes” to express a lot of things. And one of them is when they express their regret.
If you ask us, this seems like a dog’s trump card when trying to apologize, because who can resist a dog so adorable when they make those eyes?
When you scold your dog for doing something mischievous and they start rolling over and exposing their belly, that’s another form of dog apology.
While we always associate an exposed dog belly as a sign of trust, this behavior can also mean a lot of things. But in the context of dog apology, it can mean that they feel afraid, want to avoid any confrontation, or don’t want to be in any trouble.
Dogs who are trying to apologize tend to lick their fur, their nose, or even your face, hands, or feet! After a mistake, dogs will try to do this gesture on themselves to express their nervousness and awareness of their misdeed.
But when they do it to you, it actually is a little sweet gesture to soothe you and reduce the tension. A study has shown that licking releases endorphins in a dog’s brain. It makes dogs and us feel a lot calmer and more relaxed.
It’s also their way of trying to mend the bond between the both of you, show you affection, and reinforce and reassure their loyalty to you despite their mistake.
Along with licking, another intimate gesture dogs do to express their sorry is by nuzzling or sticking close to you.
When they know they’ve been naughty, they will try to come close to you and press their whole body against you, like a little kid seeking comfort.
Another form of dog apology is when they place a paw on you. Like the puppy dog eyes they make, pawing is an effective way for dogs to apologize and be immediately tended to, because we hoomans find it adorable and irresistible.
By putting their paw on your arm, lap, or leg, they’re acknowledging their mistake and asking for reassurance that you still love them even after a misdeed.
When or after reprimanding your dog for doing something bad, have you ever heard them softly whining? Well, that’s another form of dog apology!
Whining is another submissive behavior that dogs do as a way of apologizing. This behavior comes from dogs’ ancestors, the wolves.
It is rooted in the pack dynamics where wolves can be shunned from the pack when they break the rules. They whine, lower their head, and put their tail in between their legs as a sign of submission.
Some mischievous dogs resort to playing when they try to appease and apologize to you. So, as a form of dog apology, they bring you their favorite toy so the both of you can play.
This might be a bit different from their other apologetic behavior but this can be interpreted as them giving you a peace offering for their mistake. It’s their way of saying “This is my prized possession, and I’m giving it to you as a token of my apology.”
Furthermore, a study found that adult dogs like to use play time to encourage emotional bonds between humans and dogs, a trait they adapted as they became domesticated.
You might notice some dogs yawning when they’re being reprimanded. When they do this, it’s another way of them saying sorry to you.
Yawning in dogs can signify a lot of things. But in the context of doing a misdeed, it can signify stress or a dog’s intentions to avoid conflict or de-escalate an intense situation, especially if you scold them after they dog something bad.
In dog apology, yawning is usually accompanied by other submissive behaviors such as tucking their tail and airplane ears.
Responding to a dog’s apology is key to maintaining a great relationship with them. Since they communicate differently and process guilt and remorse differently from us, understanding this is crucial to responding to their apology with compassion, rather than with punishment.
When you see them doing any of the abovementioned behaviors, it’s important to acknowledge their actions. But it must be in a calm and soothing tone, so they can feel reassured and safe.
Furthermore, physical touch such as kissing or petting can help reinforce that you still care for them and love them.
As mentioned above, avoid anything negative such as punishment or yelling as much as possible. Raising your voice makes your dog scared and anxious.
A dog’s body language is worth a thousand words, quite literally. Dogs communicate their thoughts and intentions through a wide range of behavior and body language cues.
And by paying attention to these, you’ll be able to better understand your dog, especially when they’re apologizing to you.
It’s also worth remembering that every dog is unique, and their apologies will vary from one another.
How does your dog apologize to you? Let us know in the comments below!
]]>The chaotic scene happened on Friday night, August 30, near 39th Avenue and Thomas Road in Phoenix, AZ Family reports.
In the video, Sabrina Rivera was seen closing the curtains while Marcus Holmberg was about to get ready for dinner when the car suddenly crashes inside their home.
Rivera tells AZ Family, “I thought we were all going to die, to be honest.” While Holmberg reveals, “Everything is destroyed. It just happened so fast.”
Rivera also reveals that she saw the Mustang coming right at them while she was closing the curtains.
The couple showed the aftermath of the incident to AZ Family. In the photo, you can see that the damage extended beyond the front of their home.
The couple tells AZ Family that the damage of their home extended beyond the front part.
There were cracks found throughout the living room. And the impact of the crash was so high that the entire back window of their home was knocked out of its frame and ended up in the couple’s backyard.
With the amount of damage and destruction that their home suffered, the couple said they’re lucky to be alive as the car came inches from running them over.
Rivera revealed that she can’t hold anything heavy in her right arm due to the accident. While Holmberg had a small fracture on his head. He said, “They did a CT scan on my head. They did see a fracture, a light one, so it’s just sore. Other than that, we are OK.”
Furthermore, the couple weren’t the only victims in the accident as the video also shows three dogs in the way of the car.
Fortunately, the dogs are also doing well. Rivera reveals, “They’re a little playful now. They’re sore, but they should be OK.”
“This was an act of God. Someone was watching over us,” Holmberg added.
The couple set up a GoFundMe to help them cover the repair of their home while they try to look for a place to stay.
Holmberg reveals, “a reckless driver, an 18-year-old with a 5.0 Mustang, drove through our house because he failed at doing donuts in the street.”
AZ Family further reveals that the 18-year-old, Valentin Espinoza, is charged with a DUI, criminal damage and endangerment.
]]>To start the year, we present you funny dog posts from Sep 01 to Sep 07 that will paws-itively make you through the rest of the week!
If you’re having a ruff day, then these posts will surely have you barking in joy.
When they hate employment:
When you offend them:
When they “help” you navigate:
When they don’t like sharing:
When they meet their very own Beyoncé:
When the hoomans burn all the sticks you worked hard for:
When even God knows you’re a good boy:
When you receive some great advice:
When they mistake you for a marshmallow:
When you’re cool like your hooman:
When you’re a naughty boy:
When they LOVE the vacuum:
When they show you the real culprit:
When you think you’re being replaced:
@pubity Bandit didn’t acknowledge the baby cow once 😭🐮 #RoadTo15Million #Pubity (@Jeffori ♬ original sound – Pubity
When it’s time to start the day because they said so:
When they love bath time!
@misothenorfolk Miso loves bathtime 😂 #norfolkterrier #norfolkterriersofinstagram #norfolkterriers #norfolkterrierpuppy #norfolkterrierlove #norfolkterriersarebest #norfolkterrierofinstagram #norfolkterrierlovers #norfolkterriersofig #norfolkterriersofig #norfolkterriersofig#dogsofinstagram #doglife #dogoftheday #londondogs #londondogsofinstagram #dogsoftiktok #doggo #fyp ♬ original sound – Miso the Norfolk
When they start fighting:
When they fail as a guard dog:
When they love their new toy a little too much:
@luffyandmoo Bro loves it so much he wont even drop it 😭 #golden #goldenretriever #dog #dogsoftiktok #puppy #CapCut ♬ original sound – frank
When you support their endeavors:
If you just can’t get enough of our weekly roundup, you can check out last week’s batch of posts!
]]>For some garbage collectors in east Belfast, Friday is not only garbage collection day, but also Maddie day!
Maddie, the one-year-old Golden Retriever, is brightening up the lives of these garbage collectors every Friday morning by waiting for them to arrive and asking for pets.
“She loves seeing us, and waits for us every Friday morning to come around,” One of the garbage men, Mark Doran, tells BBC. “She scrapes the door until she can get out, she can hear the lorry coming up the street and stuff.”
Another garbage man, Nathan Wilson, who has been friends with Maddie for over a year since the pooch was a little pup, says “first time we seen her, [it was] just brilliant.”
Wilson also tells BBC, “I think she loves everyone. But I think she likes us a wee bit more.”
Maddie’s videos with her “blue bin friends” have gone viral on social media. On her Instagram page, Maddie has three videos of her greeting the garbage men with a combined total of almost 900,000 likes.
The videos all show Maddie at their garden either waiting for the garbage men to pet her and give her some love or her excitedly running around as she sees the garbage men approaching.
While Maddie makes other friends, like the postmen, or just the neighbors in general, the garbage men in the area seem to really have a special place in Maddie’s heart.
As a matter of fact, the pooch even got her own vest to match with them!
Katelin Fiddis, whose family own Maddie, tells BBC just how much the dog adores the garbage men. She said, “It’s not just her tail that wags, it’s her whole bum that goes – she just loves it.”
And while it’s true that Maddie makes these garbage men’s day brighter, Fiddis said it’s the same for Maddie.
“They’re very busy obviously doing their big rounds but the fact that they would dedicate 20-30 seconds to say ‘hello’, you can just tell that it makes Maddie’s day and she’s got a wee smiley face and a waggy tail.”
Now, Maddie has also started putting a smile on the faces of thousands of people all over the world thanks to her viral videos.
Fiddis said, “We’re getting comments from people saying ‘I’ve had a really, really hard week and I’ve just seen this video of Maddie and it’s completely changed my outlook and I feel so much better’.”
]]>KTEN reports that the duo were seen wandering together near Whitemound Woad when a neighbor spotted them.
The Grayson County Sheriff’s Office revealed that they nicknamed the duo “Milo” and “Otis”, after the cat and dog duo who strayed away from their farm from the 1986 movie “The Adventures of Milo and Otis”.
Before they were reunited with their owner, the Sheriff’s Office revealed, “We’ve managed to corral them with a kind resident while we wait for Grayson County Animal Control to pick up Milo (the dog). Otis (the goat) will be heading to a local farm for safekeeping.”
Locals were quick to respond to the news of the duo getting separated. They pointed out that separating them will cause stress, especially to the Great Pyrenees.
One local wrote, “The dog and goat were over at my house 2 different days. One time with a pony. The dog is as sweet as can be, but doesn’t like to be separated from the goat.”
“That GP is doing his/her job 1000% – separating them will stress that poor dog and goat out,” another wrote.
However, thanks to the swift response of the local community, the duo were not separated and deputies were able to locate the owner of the duo, and therefore reunite them.
“Grayson County truly is a great place to live, where neighbors still look out for one another and lend a hand when it’s needed most. It’s moments like these that remind us how much people still care about people,” the Sheriff’s Office wrote.
In an interview with KTEN, Cpl. Cory George reveals that the duo were wandering town together and going on adventures for three days before someone called the Sheriff’s Office to report them.
George revealed that responding to the report was an “odd call to go to”. He said, “I’ve been in law enforcement for about 14 years, and I have not seen that… that’s the first one.”
He also reveals, “We get a lot of loose livestock cows, but not a whole lot of dogs and goats stuck together. They were pretty inseparable like they were best friends.”
]]>Clark G The Dog was among the Internet’s most famous dogs and an ultimate YouTube sensation. The Dutch Shepherd became famous in 2011 when a video of him, titled “Ultimate Dog Tease”, was uploaded by the channel Talking Animals.
The video has garnered over 200 million views and 1 million likes since it was uploaded on YouTube in 2011.
In the video, Clark’s owner teases him about all the meat inside the meat drawer that he and the cat ate, but never shared with Clark.
The channel voice dubbed Clark as he “talks” to his owner and expresses his frustration over not getting any maple bacon, steak, and chicken.
On June 05, Clark’s owner announced the viral dog’s passing on his Facebook page. His owner wrote, “It is with great sadness that I must tell you that Clark has gone over the Rainbow Bridge.”
“Our family is very heartbroken over his loss. Clark was such a large personality!!! Mom will miss him following her around the house and “yelling” at her whenever she comes home from anywhere. Dad will miss Clark always insisting on treats and snacks,” his owner shared.
Clark’s owner also took this opportunity to thank all of Clark’s supporters, calling them “the best fans in the world”.
They expressed their gratitude saying, “Clark got famous by accident but I know there was a reason behind it. We have saved many dogs together and I know we will continue to do so. You all have given us hope for humanity in the future. You are all pawmazing!”
They also shared the original video of Clark “talking” without the famous dubbed conversation.
While Clark crossed the rainbow bridge in June, it wasn’t until August when the Internet found out about the sad news.
On August 26, user @slater_paul uploaded Clark’s viral YouTube video on X (formerly Twitter) with the caption “RIP Clark: The Talking Dog Who Left Us Laughing”.
X Users were quick to mourn the loss of one of their favorite dogs on the Internet and started trending “RIP Clark”.
One X user wrote, “One of the best videos to ever grace the internet. RIP Clark. Thanks for making us laugh for so many years.”
“The Rainbow Bridge has lots of bacon on the other side,” another user wrote.
Clark G The Dog was 15 years old when he passed away. He started life as a homeless puppy. But at 8-weeks-old, his owners adopted him, changed his life, and the rest was history!
Rest easy Clark. We at Dogington Post wish that you are getting all the maple bacon, steak, and chicken you deserve in doggy heaven!
]]>And this elegant breed has been cherished in many popular media such as books, TV, magazines and movies.
Collies are said to have accompanied the Romans to Britain around 500 BC. During this time, they were not recognized as any distinct breed.
However, this all changed in the 18th century when they were bred to be herding and guarding dogs in Scotland and northern England.
They used to work out in the fields of Scotland during cold winters, and were very quick to command response, since they were very intelligent and were capable of solving problems on their own.
These dogs were originally bred for herding and not for beauty contests. However, this all changed when Queen Victoria, during a visit to Scotland in the 1860s, first took these dogs from simply working on farms, and allowed them to step into the limelight of beauty and grace.
She fell in love with the dog’s natural charm, and after a few decades, these dogs started to become more of a good-looking domestic breed rather than a working breed.
It is believed that the name “Collie” came from the Scottish black-faced sheep, Coleys, that the breed was assigned to herd and watch. Or it may have derived from the Scots word for “Coal”.
Today, with such strong herding instincts and intelligence, they are still being used as herding dogs. But they have also become popular family companions.
Furthermore, they are also loved for their many appearances in different forms of media such as movies, television shows, and literature.
Collies are medium to large-sized dogs that typically stand about 22 to 26 inches tall, weighing 45 to 75 pounds.
Their are four known color combinations of the Collie. And they are:
There are also two varieties of the breed, according to coat:
Don’t let looks fool you – every part of a Collie is actually significant when it comes to his herding skills. Because he is a large dog, he can lead an entire herd of animals with authority.
The ruffed hair is actually useful for dogs that mess with them – the result is the other dog gets lots of hair in his mouth. Heavy and rough coats of a Collie are also essential for the weather conditions in the British Isles and Europe.
However, the smooth-coated Collie is actually much more preferred in herding due to freer movement, without much bulky rough coat and potential overheating, because herding can sometimes require steady and constant movements.
And due to this fact, rough-coated Collies are no longer needed on farms; hence they have become more of a pampered household pet.
Despite the long, thick coat, the rough-coated Collies can actually adjust to any kind of weather, be it sunny and hot, or damp and chilly. Furthermore, cutting its hair is not really necessary, and may even make them feel uncomfortable.
Collies are known for their intelligence and hardworking temperament. As herding dogs, they also have a strong urge to herd.
But that’s not all to it! These dogs are more than just their herding abilities and amazing work ethic.
Collies are also sweet, friendly, and gentle. That’s why many families love having them as companions!
They enjoy being part of a family and are especially fond of kids and youngsters, because they can be playful themselves. They enjoy playing with children but will also protect them when need be.
Furthermore, they are very loyal and devoted to their owners. They are also fairly athletic and most of them tend to be a little vocal.
Collies are intelligent and eager to please. So, one can enjoy training a Collie. However, the dog may be sensitive in nature, thus needing more gentle persuasion and reasons for him to be motivated.
Collies need to be positively rewarded for their intelligence and hard work.
Harsh training methods don’t work well with them and they will eventually shut you down if you use methods like these.
Furthermore, as a herding dog, it’s expected that Collies require more exercise than other dog breeds. They should get at least one to two hours of exercise per day. And this can be in the form of walking, jogging, or playing.
They are an active dog breed. So, having a backyard where they can roam around can also help with their physical and mental exercise.
Additionally, they should also be given the chance to put their herding skills to use! So mental simulation is as important as physical exercise.
Without proper exercise, Collies can develop bad behaviors such as excessive barking.
Collies are generally healthy dogs. But they can be predisposed to some health issues, such as:
The Clearwater Threshers’ newest bat dog, 10-month-old yellow Labrador Lucy May, is the sister of the team’s previous bat dog, Layla.
And the pooch made sure her debut on Friday, August 23, was as memorable and messy as possible!
Videos of Lucy May’s debut have been going viral online. As a matter of fact, the video ESPN uploaded on TikTok has almost a million likes and 8.5 million views.
During her viral debut, Lucy May was sent to retrieve a bat. But instead, ran around the field and into the opposing team’s dugout.
After an unsuccessful attempt, Lucy May was sent back to the field to retrieve another bat. However, she went back to running around the field, but this time with a surprise!
It might be her inexperience or her first-day jitters! But Lucy May, instead of retrieving the bat, suddenly answered the call of Mother Nature on the field.
Fans were supportive of whatever duty Lucy May was performing in the field as the crowd started cheering for her.
After Lucy did her business, her owner, Andrew Davis got her back over to the Threshers’ dugout. Meanwhile, the team’s promotions and game entertaining manager, Dominic Repper, cleaned up after the pooch.
Andrew Davis, Lucy May’s owner, tells WTVT-TV, “When she squatted, I definitely went into panic mode.” He continues, “I think the word my fiancée and I used was ‘mortified.'”
“We kind of had a feeling that something special would happen with her and that it would be a fun event, but I don’t think we could have imagined that it would get taken to that level,” Repper said.
After the incident, the Clearwater Threshers defended Lucy May and ensured everyone that she is “1000% keeping her job”.
“Couldn’t be mad at this sweet face if we tried,” the team wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “Lucy May is only 10 months old! She jumped into training when Layla had to step down, and even though she doesn’t have it quite right, she is 1000% KEEPING her job.”
The team also said, “She’s got lots of time until our home opener in April, and we know she’ll get it just right soon”.